I was bored, so I thought I'd do this survey so...here it is.  Some of the questions in here are answered on the "statistics" page, which makes some of this survey somewhat redundant, but...oh well, deal with it. :P 

What time is it right now?: 8:15 PM 
Full name: Willow McCall (no, I'm not going to tell you my middle name, so ha :P) 
Nicknames: Will, Lo-chan, Fondu, Nanashi, Onion, imouto-san/chan 
Birthdate: November 6th, 1985 
So that means you're how old?: 16 
Zodiac sign: Scorpio 
Height: 5'6" or 7" last time I checked 
Eye color: bluish-green, or blue with gold flecks, subject to change depending on what I'm wearing. ^-^ Whee, I have ambiguous eyes! 
Hair color: light brown with veeeeery faint reddish (natural) highlights 
Righty or lefty: righty 
Piercings: just one in each ear.  Am debating whether or not to get one more. 
Tattoos: nope! 
Birthplace: La Jolla Memorial(?) Hospital, La Jolla (well, okay, San Diego), California 
Hometown: I have three cities that I consider "home": San Diego, Tucson AZ, and Dublin, Ireland.  I live in Tucson, though, if that's what you mean... 
School: a junior college in Tucson that no one really needs to know the name of... 
GPA: 3.5.  ^-^ 
Hobbies: writing, anime, art, dancing, drawing, doodling, music, Harry Potter, the internet, annoying people. 
Screennames: none.  I don't really use chat software. 
E-mail address: tira@juri.zzn.com for now. 
What are the last 4 digits of your phone number? Erm...2216. *is paranoid now* 
Siblings [Names and ages]: Kiera, 28, and Erik, who would be (I think) 34 this year. (but he died a long time before I was born) 
Pets: Gizmo the border collie, Jordan the cat 
Do you know your neighbors?: Only the ones on our left side.  They're new-ish, and I liked the people who lived there before a lot better.  Although the woman who lives next door now is the manager at Cuppucino's and always orders more of that peach drink for me. yay. 
Do you have a roommate?: um, no.  Unless you count Jordan, who hangs out in my room sometimes. ^-^ I live at HOME, dude.  How could I have a roommate? 
Colors: greeeeeeeen 
Number: I have no idea...um, 2? 
Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Quidditch scene, Quidditch scene! *jumps up and down*), Brave New World, Floating Girl, The Amber Spyglass 
CD: um...*rummages through CD collection* U2, "Best of 1980-1990" and "All That You Can't Leave Behind," Vertical Horizon, "Everything You Want", the Corrs, "Unplugged", David Arkenstone, "Citizen of the World", Kila, "Lemonade and Buns."  In other words, I have too many. 
Radio station: 104.1 The Point, until they started going all 80s-y, but I haven't found a better radio station so I guess they win.  Oh yeah, and Star 100.7 in San Diego rocks as well. 
Song at the moment: Incubus, "Wish You Were Here" 
TV station: VH1 
TV show: Politically Incorrect, Scrubs, Gilmore Girls, Insomniac Music Theater, Pop-Up Video 
Anime/Games character: Tenjou Utena and Arisugawa Juri (Shoujo Kakumei Utena), Zelgadis (Slayers), Mireille and Kirika (Noir), Nuriko (Fushigi Yuugi), and Hino Rei (Sailormoon) 
Movie: Vertigo, The Sixth Sense, Silence of the Lambs, Psycho, The Princess Diaries, Adolescence Mokushiroku 
Person to talk to online?: There's only one person I talk to regularly, and that's Stephanie...so her, I guess. ^-^; 
Person to talk to on the phone?: AUGH!  A PHONE! *hides from the scary phone* (does that answer your question?) 
Food: soft pretzels, feta cheese, Oriental chicken salad, focaccia bread, Italian food in general. 
Drink: Coke with lemon (NOT Pepsi Twist, urgh), cherry Coke, Shirley Temples, water, grape juice 
Alcoholic drink: ...did I mention that I'm 16? (not that that ever stopped any of my friends in Dublin, but...) No, I don't drink. 
Class: What?  Oh, you mean subject?  Psychology. 
Flower: stock
Word/Phrase: I've been liking the word "frontage" recently...I have no idea why. *shrug* "Dude" and "yo" I say way too often, "bloody", "golf claps", "drackala" (don't ask), "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" (again, don't ask) 
Smell/Scent: rain, grapefruit, stock, pine, cucumber melon 
Actor: Will Ferrell, Darrell Hammond, Ardal O'Hanlon 
Actress: Julia Stiles, Zhang Ziyi 
Sport to watch: Ice skating IS a sport, goddamnit. 
Sport to play: *points to previous answer* 
Animal: coyotes (okay, dogs in general), basically anything that's non-poisonous and non-insect. *shudder* Hey, you say you like bugs, YOU come live in Arizona for a while and see how you like big giant spiders crawling around on your walls. 
Vehicle: Trains are fun. 
Female friends: eh...I don't believe in having "favorite" friends 
Male friends: see above. 
Hangout: The music section at either Barnes and Noble or Borders...although I like B&N better because you can actually TURN OFF their in-store plays...and you know what, they need to change those more often. :P 
Summer vacation: Japan (I'm going next sum-merrrr...) 
Pick-up line: WTF?  I don't use pickup lines, I'm not a slut... 
Love life 
First crush: Probably Fernando in first grade.  Yes, that really was his name. *pokes mean people who are laughing at his name* I wonder where he is now... 
First kiss: I haven't been kissed yet. 
First time you had sex: Excuse me, if I haven't even been kissed yet d'you THINK I'd have had sex?  Ecchi. 
Single or attached?: Um...ask her. *points to Stephanie* 
If attached... who and for how long?: since Thanksgiving weekend, 2001
Date around or tied down?: I wouldn't put it like that...but "tied down", yeah. 
Ever been in love?: I've thought I was a few times...unrequited, though. 
If so, who and are you still?: ...you know, on second thought, I guess I never have, because I didn't really know the person, so it was more like a really obsessive crush. (There's a first time for everything, though...^_~) 
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Never happened to me, but I suppose it's possible. 
Do you believe in "the one?": yes, definitely. 
Describe your ideal date: I dunno...it wouldn't be a real "candlelit dinner" stereotypical sort of date, it'd just be really casual...oh, and there would be a park or some outdoors spot, and there would be dancing. ^-^ 
Juicy Stuff (^^;;;; I'm scared already...) 
Have you ever skinny dipped?: heh.  Well, I've done a lot of stupid things in my time... 
If so, been caught?: nope 
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: no 
If so, when, and was it mixed company?: N/A 
Have you ever been intoxicated?: You know, after living in Ireland with the friends that I had, I'm surprised this answer is no... 
If so, when and with who?: N/A 
Favorite place to be kissed?: I wouldn't know. 
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": O_o I've never "done anything", period. 
Are you a tease?: ...no... 
Opposite sex [Females fill this out] 
Boxers or briefs?: Boxers.  Briefs look uncomfortable... 
Long or short hair?: long-ish.  Nanba from "HanaKimi", for example, as opposed to Marron from "Bakuretsu Hunters" 
Dark or light hair?: dark 
Eye color: blue! 
Short or tall?: tall.  Taller than me, anyway (for a guy, for a girl either is good. ^-^). 
Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny?: Mr. Sensitive.  Am I old-fashioned for saying that?  I don't care... 
Good guy or bad guy?: O_o Good guy, although a lot of the guys I've had superficial crushes on (as in, I only think they're cute, nothing more) have a "bad guy" image...but I wouldn't like to date one of those. 
Piercings?: I don't care. 
Cologne: *coughs* None, please. 
Snowboarders or surfers?: O_o Snowboarders? 
Greek or geek?: *thinks* Greek guys are cute... 
Tan or fair?: Even though it'll contradict with my last response, fair. 
Stubble or neatly shaven?: eh.  Beards are okay, I guess. 
Outdoorsy or sportsy?: neither (and anyway, aren't those kind of the same thing?)
Accent or none?: hee! ^-^ Accents are cute.  And besides, there's no such thing as "no accent".  Even an American accent is...well, just that, an accent! 
Feature you notice first: Eyes. 
Are you a... 
Wuss: no 
Druggie: >.< god, no. 
Gang member: not to my knowledge. :P 
Daydreamer: all the time... 
Alcoholic: no 
Freak: Well, maybe by some people's definitions, yes. 
Dork: This used to be my favorite phrase: "Oh god, I am SUCH a dork..." Not so much anymore, though.  Just sometimes. 
Bitch/Asshole: Only when necessary. ^_~ 
Brat: ugh, no... 
Sarcastic: oh, NO, not at all. *eyeroll* 
Goody-goody: I bet some people would consider me this... 
Angel: no, that's dumb. 
Devil: NO.  This is stupid. 
Horny: not at the moment
Friend: yeah 
Shy: in certain situations I can be 
Talkative: When you get me on a subject I like talking about.  Words of advice: do not mention the words "Harry Potter movie" around me, or you won't get me to shut up. 
Joker: yes, not _practical_ joker, but just...um, funny person.  Yeah. 
Pimp/Playa: NO. 
Call-girl: I don't know what that is but it doesn't sound good. 
Sporty: HAHAHA no. 
Intelligent: Yup! (let's see, I'm 16...getting a 3.5 GPA in college...gee, I don't think I'm smart, do you? :P) 
Flirty: No, I'm not a flirt. 
Prettiest: Sarah and Kiera are pretty (isn't it unfair that my sister looks nothing like me? hmph) 
Bitchiest: oh, I dunno...we can all be, if you piss us off. *smirk* 
Sweetest: Stephanie, Clint, and Megan 
Smartest: Steph, and Kiera I guess is smart but she just doesn't have common sense, you know? 
Best eyes: Katrina 
Best smile: Yume, I guess...she's annoyingly photogenic.  In all our Ireland pictures I look squinty and frizzy-haired and she looks great...grr. 
Best hair: Kiera 
Best butt: Kate is the only one whose butt I've ever noticed...what, do you think I go around looking at my friends' butts?  Weirdo. 
Flirtiest: heh.  I've never been around guys with Yume, but I bet she's a flirt. ^-^ Or maybe all her talk about, "You gotta tell me what he's like, otherwise I'll have to try him myself," and stuff is just talk. 
Bad girl: this is you, Katrina... 
Bad guy: heehee...Clint has a motorcycle... 
Nicest: Isn't this basically the same as "sweetest"? 
Cutest: Megan (but don't be fooled, she's eeeeevil) 
Loudest: Megan, Leah 
Funniest: Natalie ("Um, yes...please don't hit me?"), Leah ("He stuck his FORK in the electric socket..."), Inez ("Feck off, Whiteship!"), Yume ("Evil lamp!  AUGH!"), Eddie...okay, I have too many funny friends. 
Most dramatic: probably Yuchan. 
Most sarcastic: Yume, but she's really obvious about it whereas with Natalie sometimes you can't tell she's being sarcastic, so Nat wins.  Hooray. 
Most ballsy: Katrina is the only one who would harrass a security guard, and has done so on more than one occasion. 
Most gullible: me. ^-^ I don't know who else is because I can never trick anyone...I start laughing and then I give myself away.  Oh wait, no, Aoife is gullible!  She believed me that one time I told her I got suspended seven times! ^-^ 
Looks most like you: No one does, really...Natalie is the closest 
Go to for advice: I never need advice, I can work out my own problems. :P Actually, I usually ask my mom for advice if I absolutely have to. 
Have most fun with: everyone!  Although I always end up doing crazy things with Katrina or Yume, like getting up and dancing in Johnny Rocket's or counseling suicidal cows. ^-^ 

Future side 
Occupation: animator or illustrator 
Location: Okay, here's my plan: I live in California until I'm secure enough in my job as an animator that I can move back to Tucson or wherever else, so my family will live there and then when I get old I'll buy that penthouse in Dublin that I want and retire to Ireland.  Yay! 
Dream vehicle: I don't care about vehicles that much, I'm not a big car person... 
Marriage?: If a man, yes.  If a woman...well, I suppose a Vermont or Hawaii wedding might be okay. ^^;; Or something that's...well, not really a legally binding, "official" marriage, but just a ceremony sort of thing. 
Kids?: well, not NOW. O_o 
If so, their names and how many?: Two or three.  One boy, Cedric Aidan (or Aidan Cedric, either way), one girl, Roisin Kila, and the name of the third one...my spouse gets to decide. (I'm so generous...) 
Pets?: Probably a dog. 
Honeymoon: Never thought about it before...hmm, how about Japan?  Or Ireland.  Ireland's always fun.  Or San Francisco.  Or Italy... *is getting ideas even as we speak* 
Dream house: Never thought about this, either.  I'll either keep the house I have now, or I'll get another one near Fourth Avenue, here in Tucson.  Oh yeah, and the penthouse in Dublin. ^-^ I have a specific one in mind, near where I used to live, and I could describe it to you and sketch out a floorplan and a map but I won't bore you with the details. ^-^ 
What are you doing tomorrow?: Going to school, having my art lecture, maybe having a philosophy test, listening to everyone's Japanese presentations, then coming home and working on art class stuffs. 

Word association 
Rubber gloves: Snails. 
Rock: Fraggle Rock! (whoa, old TV shows...) 
Green: Ireland, Emerald Isle Society, shamrocks... 
Wet: post-shower hair 
Cry: September 
Peanut: Butter Cups 
Hay: is for horses. :P 
Hot: TUCSON! urgh... 
Cold: snow 
Steamy: sauna 
Fast: highway 
Freaky: dude 
Stick shift: evil! 
Rain: yay, fun... 
Bite: hamburger 
Suck: um...lollipop. (suuuure...) 
Blow: wind 
Hard: _difficult_ 
Extra long: fries (you know how you always get the one really long fry?) 
Limp: Bizkit 
Needle: ouch, flu shots... 
Oral: toothpaste 
Honey: bees 
High heels: discomfort 
Fetish: nail polish 
Seal: San Francisco 
Napkin: doodle 
M.D.: "Paging Dr. Terk..." 
Pakistan: apology 
Elevator: U2!  Elevation! *jumps up and down and sings* Woooooohoo... 
Red: Ringo. (apple, not Starr) 
Random questions that are just good to ask 
Memory or thing you miss most: Being in Dublin...;_; 
Memory you'd like to forget: I don't want to mention it, because that would make me remember it again. 
Thing you regret most: I don't believe in regretting things because everything works out in the end. 
What you did this weekend: Went to a feis (Irish dance competition) up in Phoenix...yeah, that basically took all weekend.  Oh yeah, and went to the Street Fair tooooo.. 
Last person you talked to on the phone: Megan, last Tuesday 
Last song you listened to: Sister Hazel, "All For You" 
Last thing you ate: a frosty dairy dessert from Wendy's 
If you could be a crayon, what color would you be?: jungle green 
What's the weather like?: Today it was nice and clear and sunny, which was good because the feis was outdoors, but now it's kind of windy. And cold. 
What's right next to you?: Japanese textbooks, notebooks, manga, Sailormoon artbook, floppy disks, and a remote control 
How do you eat an Oreo?: Open it and lick off the icing. ^-^ 
Contacts or glasses?: Usually contacts, although this week I'm not allowed to wear them because Mr. Eye Doctor said so...but I wore 'em to the feis anyway. :P 
Who's your daddy?: Bob. (no really, for once I'm being serious...)
Do you like to dance?: very much so. 
Shy to make the first move?: Yeah, but sometimes you gotta do it anyway, you know?
Sleep with a stuffed animal?: Sort of.  Actually, they sleep on my bedside table: Paddy the sheep, Hedwig the owl, Prince Hal the bear (hey, gimme a break, I got him in Stratford-upon-Avon the day after we saw Henry IV Part One), and the Nameless Puffball Thing. ^-^ 
Stupidest thing you've ever done?: Completely blanked out on my traditional set (which I usually know backwards and forwards...see? *does traditional set backwards*) at the McTeggart Feis.  I just sort of...stopped, right in the middle of the second step.  It was...ugh. 
Night or day?: I'm a night person. 
Are you high?: not to my knowledge... 
Are you drunk?: No, but I'm caffeinated. 

Ready for the last question? *sigh* I suppose... 

What are you wearing right now?: my favorite pair of jeans, the McElligott Christmas Feis 2001 sweatshirt that I just got today, my ever-present watch, bubble socks (those Irish dance socks with the little quilted pattern), blue and white sneakers, and my pretty new rainbow bracelet. *petpet* And a sports bra and black underwear, if anyone cares... 

Sorry, I lied. This is the last question: O_o Okay then. 

What time is it right now?: 9:44 PM 
Last Words: BOOYAH!  Oh yeah, and by the way, Mr. Macphisto and the Lemon RULE THE PLANET!  Bwahaha. 
O_o Now that I've managed to thoroughly scare everyone... 
Go back.