"Ach, ya diiiiiiiid."--also from the RSC show...they really researched those Scottish accents well, didn't they? "Cut the crap, Hamlet. My biological clock is ticking and I want babies now!"--what Part C of the Superego was supposed to say (I was never in that part ;_;) "Please welcome me in joining Christian Malcolm!"--Spoonerism anyone? No, it's a Bush-ism. "You mean it's illegal to take someone's bag? But we do it all the time in our country!"--from the London show, obviously, they couldn't use that in the shows in America "By yonder blessed virgin I swear...nah, I don't think so, Romeo."--one time when they said that line they were pointing to me...fwahaha. "We already did that one, remember? I threw up on the virgin."--RSC (that show just had too many funny lines; next time I see it I'm just gonna bring a notebook and write everything down) "A nose by any other name would still smell!"--from Romeo and Juliet "Oob!"--from the backwards Hamlet (they did that line so much better in London, as with the Butt Love line) "Let's see...'dead, for a ducat, dead' means...'Shit, I killed the wrong dude.'"--one of the guys looking up a line in Cliff's Notes "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are ever dreamed of in your philosophy. So piss off!"--hey, that wasn't in the script... "Oh shit, I am slain!"--well, what would you say if you had just been poisoned from the tip of a sword? "Ach, ye haggis face."--from the Scottish accent Macbeth (hee hee) "I was from me mum's womb untimely ripped! Now what do ye think of that?" "That's bloody disgusting!"--the Scottish Macbeth "Somehow you have the idea that all of Shakespeare's heroines wear bad wigs and vomit excessively when they die."--yeah, that about sums it up "Men are all dissemblers: they disassemble things and then they assemble them again. Oh, I don't know what dissembler means!"--I think this was Juliet's nurse or something like that "Yo, this is a story 'bout a Moor named Othello. He likes white women...and he likes...green jello!"--from the Othello rap (one of my favorite parts) "It is I, Hamlet, the Great Dane!"--he also called himself "Hamlet the danish" "...Before it becomes a couch for incest!" "Incest!" "A couch!"--the ghost, Hamlet, and Horatio "Fictional character on the field! Lear is disqualified, and he's not happy about it!"--from the histories football game "For never was there a tale of more woe, than that of Othello and Desdemo...no."--from the messed up Othello "And then in a night of dance and romance, he tries to get into Juliet's pants."--except she was wearing a skirt, but it works, it works... "Be to not or be to."--the backwards Hamlet "Judas Priest is God."--one of the "satanic messages" in the backwards Hamlet "Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Get it...get it? He doesn't get it."--the king in Hamlet "In 1939 Shakespeare invaded Poland, thus precipitating World War II."--the guy getting Shakespeare's biography mixed up with Hitler's back |