"Everyone's trying to talk about the future as we're marching off to war...anybody keeping score?"--"Time" by Lionel Richie "Time is only watching all the pain we bear, all of the joy we share. Do we care?"--"Time" again "Welcome to your life. There's no turning back."--"Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears "And if they don't get killed, they get so high off that thrill they could float to heaven anyway."--"Crazy" by Alana Davis "He sings the songs that remind him of the good times, he sings the songs that remind him of the best times."--"Tubthumping" by Chumbawamba "Don't cry for me, next-door neighbor."--from "Tubthumping" "So don't just sit back, kick back, and watch the world get bushwhacked."--from "Walking on the Sun" by Smash Mouth "We're mere human beings, we die, it's destined."--from "Human Beings" by Seal "Have you ever been close to tragedy or close to folks who have? Have you ever felt a pain so powerful, so heavy you collapse? No? Well..."--from "The impression that I get" "Put away the crack before the crack puts you away."--from "Walking on the Sun" "Can you hear us humping on your stereo..."--what I thought the song "Pumping on your Stereo" was saying...or does it really say that? I dunno. "Afro feckin' pop!"--Rossa from Kila commenting on what someone had said of their music "Hey, tog e go bog e, mon."--a Jamaican Kila fan (really! As Dave Barry says, I am not making this up.) "We're done looking at the castle, and you're being an asshole."--my misinterpretation of the line "I'm the king of the castle and you're a dirty rascal", from Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band "You can trust me not to think, and not to sleep around. And if you don't expect too much from me you may not be let down."--a line from "Hey Jealousy" by the Gin Blossoms...I kinda get a kick out of this line ^-^ "You're so jaded, and I'm the one that jaded you."--from "Jaded" by Aerosmith "They stole that line about heaven being overrated from meeee! I'm gonna sue!"--me talking about Train and their new song, whatsitcalled..."Drops of Jupiter"? Yeah. I still like the song and that line, though. "Dough, the stuff that buys my beer, Ray, the guy who pours my beer, Me, the guy who drinks my beer, Far, a long way to the john! So, I'll have another beer, La, I'll have another beer, Tea? No thanks, I'll have a beer! Which will bring us back to do!"--a song I heard in the pub the other night, which Katrina and I promptly memorized and used to terrorize our families on car trips "This never would've happened if you two hadn't snuck out for a joyride in the lemon!" "But it was bloody BORING! And anyway, everything was FINE until Larry decided to play male-whore and started gyrating and stripping to 'I'm Too Sexy.'"--Edge and Adam from a U2 fanfic (yes, they exist) called "Adam and Larry Go Joyriding in the Lemon". Very funny fic. "I should've just listened to my parents and gone to university...how was I to KNOW that U2 would lead to crashing around American cities in a sodding mirrorball lemon!"--Edge again, same fic "Then Larry walked in with his typical I'm-a-drummer-and-chicks-dig-me air."--from another fanfic (forget which) by the same author of Joyriding in the Lemon. (on a side note...chicks dig drummers? Then how come when I was one I never got any, damnit!) "Desperation, dislocation, separation, condemnation, revelation..." "Decoration, pronunciation, condensation, evaporation, radiation, percolation...*off strange looks from other passengers of the car* Well, he was asking for it."--U2 singing "Bad" and me making my own additions while driving in the car with family. Heh. Uncle Paul should have been glad I didn't say something worse. *evil grin* "The sky resembles a backlit canopy with holes punched in it."--"Wish You Were Here" by Incubus "I've been one poor correspondent, I've been too, too hard to find. But it doesn't mean you ain't been on my mind."--"Sister Golden Hair" by America "Oh, 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde. This book is about...ehm, it's about...*furtively reads the blurb on the back of the book*"--Bono at the U2 concert I went to (yayyyy!) "This song is about the religious intolerance and the fanatics you have to put up with in this country..." "We know!"--Bono introducing a song ("Please") and the guy sitting (or rather, standing) next to me, at Elevation in Phoenix "I'm a loser and a user so I don't need no accuser to try and slag me down because I know you're right."--"When I Come Around" by Green Day "I'm not exactly in the mood for Mozart and all that kind of goings-on."--from "Peace and Love Incorporated", by Information Society (Yume showed me the Utena music video to that song...heh.) "Have you come here to play Jesus to the lepers in your head?"--"One", by U2...one of my favorite metaphors in any song "You ask me to enter but then you make me crawl, and I can't be holding on to what you've got when all you've got is hurt."--more lines from "One"...that's one of the coolest U2 songs, lyrically... back |