"I don't think so, Surfer Boy!"--Jupiter to Malachite (from the dub of SM) "Whoa, whacko on the premises!"--Chad (from the SM dub) "I like the decibels where they are!!!"--Serena on Sailor Moon "He's a little bit crazy, isn't he?"--from Dragonball Z (which also sucks) "Totally misplaced resentment."--Zel, from the English dub of Slayers "The Blade of Justice! *smash* Oh, stupid Blade of Justice!"--Amelia from Slayers, fruitlessly hacking at Rezo "Grab a mitt and catch a clue!"--Lina (Slayers) "Watashi wa anata no ningyou janai."--Ayanami Rei from Evangelion (by the way, that means "I am not your puppet.") "That's me! Wait! My last evolution, revolution, evolution!"--from one of the duel songs from SKU (I just liked how this sounds) "How about 'Choreography killed the cat'?"--Jessie (from Pokemon) suggests a motto to Meowth, who is dancing "Light the candle, not me!"--Brock (from Pokemon) yelling at Charmander "That was really disturbing."--Brock's reaction to Team Rocket's...uh...performance, in the episode where Ash fights Lt. Surge "No ploblem."--written on a computer screen in Battle Athletes "Weezing makes a good volleyball."--Jessie "One memory at a time, okay?"--Misty (Pokemon) "I WANNA SEE HIKARIIIIIIIII!"--Hikaru (Magic Knight Rayearth) making a (very loud) wish Saionji: (trying to be really dramatic) A hidden love. Utena: Nobody asked you. "But I can't use the car anymore. I lost the key."--Akio in Adolescence Mokushiroku "Ummmmm...Anshi don't you think this is a little unfair?"--Utena, Adolescence Mokushiroku (not her exact words but you get the idea. This was while Anshi was drawing her nude, BTW) "Anthy Himemiya. I'm the younger sister of the academy's board chairman, so I get what I want."--Anthy from the Adolescence Mokushiroku manga (see, she's much cooler in the movie universe, even in the movie manga) "Is there something wrong with my being a woman? I don't remember saying that I was a man."--Utena from the movie manga "This show is what we affectionately, or not-so-affectionately, refer to as The Happy Little Potato People."--a guy at the anime club talking about a show called Strange Dawn...you'd know what he meant if you saw it. "It's like...Fushigi Yuugi meets Mr. Potato Head."--me talking about Strange Dawn "My brother...AND...my sister!"--crazy guy from Comic Party (Sarah and I kept spouting off random Comic Party lines in the car on the way home from anime club...I think we managed to really scare my mom. ^^;;) "Shinpuru izu...besuto."--Xellos (which means "simple is best", it was just really cute the way he said it) "Do you have an off button?"--not from an anime, per say, but from a really twisted but hilarious Gundam fanfic called "The Day Before, the Day After, and Monday." That's Duo talking to Hilde, by the way. "It's Noin, Zechs, and Sally Po!" "Thank you, Captain Obvious."--Hilde and Duo again, same fanfic "So is Akira an amoeba? Fear the wrath of the almighty amoeba!"--me watching Akira and not getting it at all "That was the funniest and at the same time creepiest thing I've ever seen."--me on the scene from Akira where the little stuffed animals climb up on the bed and dance around while making strange noises...I think I'll have to watch that movie again just for that scene, so I can see what noises the animals make and Yume and I can dance around and do that at the next anime screening. ^-^ "It's a she. So it's 'What are you doing to HER?', not 'to him'." "Actually, they said 'What are you doing on him?'" "Which is worse."--Yume and I watching really badly subtitled Ayashi no Ceres "I mean, what would you do if someone came up to you and went, 'Don't trust him! He is devil! He is trying to grasp the fairy!'"--Yume on the bad Ceres subs...I feel so sorry for my mom, because we kept doing that "he is trying to grasp the fairy!" thing to her all day after we saw this. ^^;;; "I love how they say 'YO!u' all the time."--Yume, again with our commentary on the bad Ceres subs (it was the way she pronounced "YOu" that made this funny) "Why are you trying to treat me as the Monkey God?"--Yuuhi from, yes, you guessed it, the bad Ceres subs! We got more amusement out of those things... |