you have the time
listen to me whine
nothing and everything all at once?
am one of those
to the bone, no doubt about it.
I give myself the creeps
my mind plays tricks on me
all keeps adding up...
think I'm cracking up
I just paranoid, or am I just stoned?
profile was obscenely out of date, so I decided to update it. Just
so you know, this profile was last fiddled with September 5th, 2002, so
if you're reading this and it's like a year after that date...yeah, that
means I'm lazy. :P
I'm Willow McCall, but you can call me Will, and I'm 16 and in my second
year of college. *sigh* I hate when people are just trying to make casual
conversation and they go, "how old are you, what school are you in, etc."
because it always requires a long involved explanation from me. So
here's the explanation: yes, I did start college when I was fourteen years
old. In Arizona (that happens to be where I live), all one has to
do is submit an "Intent to Homeschool" form (even if you don't really homeschool
that much and the extent of your homeschooling is your mom going, "Take
out the trash, it's part of your homeschooling!", like me), take the test
to get into junior college, and then you can start taking classes.
They only let you take a certain number of units until you turn sixteen,
but somehow we subverted the system (mwahaha) and they let me take four
classes when I was only fifteen, and three the semester before, so...yeah.
What can I say, I'm a fluke of the school system. *shrug* I don't even
know how to explain it myself.
was born in San Diego, California, where I lived for the first almost-ten
years of my life. Which would explain my somewhat dislike of beaches
(I went there like every month when I was little, and they're feckin COLD)
and my tendency to say "dude" way too much. ^-^ Right now I live in Tucson,
Arizona, which would explain, extreme patheticness in cold temperatures?
Sure, whatever. And I lived in Dublin, Ireland for a year, which
would explain my tendency to use Dublin talk and call people "feckin' gobshites"
on a regular basis...and to also sometimes catch myself pronouncing and
spelling things the British way still. Not really obvious things
like "colour" (that still looks very wrong to me), but stuff like "analyse"
I still type. Pronounciation...the most notable examples of those
are "inquiry", which I pronounce "IN-kwe-ree"; saying "advertisement" as
"ad-VERT-iz-ment" sometimes; saying "obligatory" as "uh-BLIG-eh-tree; "brochure"
as "BRA-sher"; and very rarely, "la-BOR-a-tory." ^-^ I was told I had a
very slight Irish accent even after I got back to the states, but I don't
think I have it anymore, and I wish I still did...
I'm about a quarter Danish, an eighth Irish, and the rest...well, nobody
knows. The rest is probably some weird mix of Welsh and British and
Scottish and even more Irish and German and random things. I did
one of those "find your family heritage!" searches on my name (not McCall,
my _real_ real name) and it said it could be either a Scottish or Swedish
name, and since my dad mentioned that his side of the family is from "various
places in the British Isles," and if they were from Sweden he would have
mentioned that, I guess that means we're Scottish. That's pretty
cool, I think. So according to the stereotypes, I'm supposed to be
a drunkard (the Irish part), a stuffy conservative ethnocentrist (British
part), wear a kilt and run around drunkenly playing the bagpipes (Scottish),
be not only a drunk, but a _warlike_ drunk (German), a pastry
(Danish). And if you go by the fact that my dad's family comes from
Texas, that makes me half-Texan. Whee-ha.
far as hobbies go...well, one of my obvious ones, website-ing.
And just internet stuff in general. My dad's work involved computers
a lot, so we always _always_ had one around the house, ever since I can
remember. I used to sit on my dad's lap while he did flight simultion
games when I was four. ^-^ And where was I when I heard that Jerry Garcia
died? On the computer playing Commander Keen. So yeah, computers
are a pretty big deal in my life...we got the internet when I was nine
or so, and that's when I built my first webpage. It sucked.
I'd like to think I've gotten better since then...I'd show the old page
to you so you can judge, but it's too embarrassing.
when I was...twelve, I think, the year that my sister got married and I
started eighth grade, I discovered anime. That was a HUGE thing in
my life for a while, and I still like it, but I'm not as into it as I was
back then. It did get me into seriously writing, though (fanfics
and the like), which is a hobby that I still pursue. I'm working
on two or three novels at the moment, one of which I seriously think I
have a chance of getting published. It also got me into drawing,
which has been another of my passions over the years. My goal now
is to be an illustrator, and I definitely would not have arrived at that
life path if it weren't for anime getting me into drawing seriously four
years ago.
terms of personality...the first time I took that Keirsey Personality Test
thingy I got INFP, and the most recent time I took the test I was an ENTP...which
makes me the only person I know who changed two letters in her score over
the course of four years. Scary, innit? So what do these letters
mean? Well, let's start with E(xtroverted). I'm not sure this
letter entirely suits me...see, I used to be horrendously shy when I was
in 8th grade. After 8th grade when I went to Ireland, I kind of made
a conscious decision to stop being a passive, submissive little wallflower,
and it sort of worked. I think every year I get more outgoing...maybe
insecurity is just something that goes away with age. (*crosses fingers*
Please...) The N stands for Intuitive, and I guess that fits...I've been
told that I'm "psychic" a few times. T is for thinking, whereas F
is for feeling...I think that changes depending on my mood that day, or
on the situation, but usually I'm the "thinking" type. I tend to
analyse things to death and worry unnecessarily about stuff, which is something
I also hope will go away with age...but I won't kid myself. ^^;; P is for, isn't that kind of like Intuitive? *shrug* Another of
my flaws is that I tend to take things too personally, which is probably
also linked to the "worrying unnecessarily" part. But I'm usually
a nice person, unless you happen to get on my bad side at the wrong time
of the month. ^^;;; Hoooo boy. When I'm in a bad mood, it's usually
best not to piss me off. But hey, that's just sometimes. Normally
I'm your nice, average human being. Just...don't tailgate behind
me in traffic, all right? Thank you.
the future...well, I've already gone into this a little bit. I'd
really like to go to the Rhode Island School of Design and major in illustration,
but it's a very competitive school so I may end up going somewhere else.
Preferably on the East Coast, and I'd rather not go to California if I
can help it...I realized just how much I don't like it there when I went
there for a month this summer. And then of course I eventually want
to get married (or CU'ed), have a family, and do all that fun stuff.
I've even decided where I want to retire to: I want to go back to Dublin;
there's this penthouse there I've always had my eye on, even when I lived
until then, this is my life. Will-in-a-nutshell. And by the
way, if you've read this far...I have much respect for you. ^-^ I know
not everyone likes to read a long drawn-out account of someone else's life.
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