Subject | Description |
random girl | I didn't bother giving her a name, so now she's just Random Girl. Might give her one later. She's not anime, she's my attempt at drawing a semi-realistic person. I really like how her jeans look, they're the most realistic bit and also my favorite part (along with her tattoo on her arm). |
Ayanami Rei | My old computer's namesake... ^-^;; I have a wallscroll of Rei wearing a similar outfit to this, which I simplified greatly when I drew this (it had too many lacy bits that I'm not good at drawing). Amazingly I got her eyes right too. I like this piccy a lot. |
atashi! | Yup, another self-portrait. This is the best one, really, and probably the most realistic. Yes, my eyes really are sorta that color, and my hair too, and I really do wear a necklace like that (it's a gay pride symbol). The only unrealistic thing are the proportions (except I really am a 36D...really! You don't believe me?) |
punk people | Remember how I said my sister was gonna be in the Green Day video? That's her on the left in the outfit she wore for the shoot. See, told you she looks absolutely nothing like me. In real life she looks about 15 and I look maybe 19, and she's shorter too. And y'know what else is weird about us: there's a 12 year age difference between us but at one point there were only 2 years difference between our boyfriends (well, her boyfriend and my old boyfriend). ^^;;; The girl next to her is another extra in the video, and she really did wear a hairstyle like that. Reminded me of that pic of Usagi and Chibiusa that I had as the layout for Lunar Eclipse this summer. |
Alex and Erica | These are two characters my cousin and I made up; Erica is the one on the left and Alex is on the right. And Alex is 23 and Erica is 18...can't tell, can you? Isn't it interesting that both of their names have been used as dub names for Sailoruranus? We didn't do that on purpose, I can assure you (my cousin made up these names and she doesn't even know about Sailormoon, and neither of these girls are anything like Haruka). |
Ophelia | This is Ophelia from the novel I'm writing, doing what she does best: dancing. I couldn't think of how to realistically do her hair (I was going to go for an Atsumi look) so I just kinda put it to the side. Hey, she stole Fleur's shirt! (see pic above) |
Luna | No, not Sailormoon's Luna (otherwise I would have put this under Sailormoon pics, wouldn't I have?). This is Luna from the very short-lived comic Luna Park that ran maybe twice in Disney Adventures magazine. I wish it had run longer because I think the creator must have been a Sailormoon fan, to have a character named Luna with an odango hairstyle and another character named Miko. Her shirt looks too bright...but oh well. |
Saoirse O'Malley | This is a girl in a Harry Potter fanfic I wrote (and I might write more fics about her too). She's half-veela and half wizard, and she's Irish. And yes, that is a Time Turner around her neck. |
self-portrait | This is a little different than most of my pics; instead of a full-body pic it's just from the waist up. It's me, leaning on a table and wearing a maroon shirt and looking slightly bitchy. My fave part of this pic is the eyes...I looked, I mean _really_ looked at my eyes the other day, and that's how they looked: blue with yellow-green in the center, and darker blue around the rims. Odd... |
Miki TPW | I think PSP crashed about three times while I was doing this...but luckily I had saved it. His sideburns are hard to draw...I don't think I even got them right. In one screen Miki blushes, in the other one he clicks his stopwatch. ^-^ Hee! It took a while to get the stopwatch right too. |
Acacia | Well, I was in a really political mood so I drew an anime Green Party mascot. ^-^ Her name is Acacia, and although she may look a bit like Cissy, she's not. Just has the same hair, 'cept it's green, that's all. She has a little campaign button, a recycle t-shirt, and sandals...she looks kinda like a hippie Woodstock person. I might get around to drawing Acacia's arch enemy the Reform Party mascot too, one of these days. ^-^ Oh man, that should be funny... |
self-portrait | No, I'm not -that- egotistical, really. You could call this picture "the many faces of me": me with my regular curly hair, me with hair straightened, and me with my hair in braids. I might add some more faces later. My favorite is the curly-haired girl because I love how her hair looks (experimenting with a new way of drawing it). |
weird shading | Remember Random Girl from up there? Well, this is Shading Girl. She has no name, but I drew her in a different style, much like Random Girl. The main difference in this pic is the shading, it's more...something. It looks kinda cool, though. |
"The Dreamers" | I literally dreamed these people up one night. The blonde girl (who my cousin says looks like Bugsy from Pokemon GS) is named Almond, the redheaded girl is Heartbeat (yes, that's REALLY her name, Heart for short), and the brunette is Rory. The story is that Rory and Almond are sisters, Rory has a crush on Heart, and they're all on vacation together with Heart's brother (I don't remember what he looked like, so I didn't draw him). |
centaur/elf dude | Okay, don't start bugging me about how his legs are too short, gimme a break, this is my first try drawing anything remotely horse-like. And his left hand looks like a claw, and I don't like the color of, garment thing. But it's pretty good. I think the little whatchamacallits around his ankle are cute, they look sorta like leaves. And I really like his hair, it's awesome! Hee hee, he's so cute...the reason I call him centaur/elf is because of his ears...take a look, they're pointed. ^-^ |
Kristi Yamaguchi | Don't hate me, but...I saw Scott Hamilton's Stars on Ice farewell tour, and I had FLOOR SEATS! I was practically right on the ice, and afterwards I got to shake hands with Yuka Sato. Go me. Anyway, this is Kristi Yamaguchi's costume from her Desert Rose routine...that was such a great routine and I was absolutely in love with the costume, so I drew it. The girl wearing it doesn't look exactly like Kristi, but oh well, close enough. |
dance costume | This is the costume I'm going to wear for a dance recital this summer, even though I'm not really supposed to know what it looks like yet...hehe. My mom saw a picture of it (the dancers aren't supposed to look), and she described it to me, then I drew it. She says the drawing looks EXACTLY like it. Cute costume, and y'know that was my first time drawing zebra stripes? |
angel/devil? | I'm...really not sure whether this is a demon or just an evil-looking angel. Whatever it is, it's really cool. I drew this just using pencil, didn't color it in or anything, and I'm glad I didn't because it looks better this way. Her outfit is very...interesting. Yeah. So are her wings, they're not your typical feathery angel wings, they look more like bat wings. I think I'm just on a drawing-mythological-creatures kick, don't mind me. ^.^ |
tattooed girl | Another of my nameless girl drawings. ^-^ The tattoo on her back is the Japanese symbol for dragon, "ryu", and I'm seriously considering getting one just like it. Although probably not for a long time, and I heard the small of your back was the most painful place (or one of the most painful) to get a tattoo, although I suppose it's not as bad as getting one on your eyelids would be. I don't like this girl's hair, although her back is good (except that she looks like she has no butt ^-^)and she's colored pretty well, but her arms are a tad too long and I'm not sure on the kanji either. I tried drawing a bikini top on her, but I liked her better topless. ^-^ |
Chifuri | This is my cute lil' Ponyta Pokemorph girl, the one I did a KiSS doll of, and her name's Chifuri. I like this picture because the coloring's really good, and I love her clothes, very Japanese. The only thing that really bugs me is the tail, otherwise it's cute. Oh yeah, and the mouth looks cute too. And yes, her feet are supposed to look like that because she doesn't have human feet, she has hooves (much easier and more fun to draw). |
costume 2 | Okay, ignore the first dance costume pic. My mom got the wrong one. ^^; This is the one I'm ACTUALLY gonna be wearing, and the other one is the one my current crush is wearing. ^-^ (her routine is so cool) I like the model's hands, and she looks kinda like Saiki, my future Goldeen morph character (I've got a pic of her inked and it'll be up soon). The fringey things will look cool on the actual cossie too. |
the Kisetsu sisters | In case you can't read the kana/kanji (if you're not "privileged" enough to take Japanese *bleh*) it's Izumi (top left), Chieri (top right), Chiru (bottom left), and Samukaze (bottom right). Kisetsu is Japanese for season, and they're all sisters and they each represent a season (I think you can tell which is which). You know, the line art for this looked totally different from the finished product, and not just in colors. Chiru's clothes were different, Izumi's eyes were TOTALLY different but the eyes I gave her before made her look evil, and Samukaze had lips. Also, excuse my crappy handwriting, any possible Nihongo mistakes, and the fact that my pen was bloopy when I wrote the text. ^-^ Like the goofy little stick figures? Hehe...Samukaze's ski slope is based on our one here (which I haven't been to in YEARS because not enough snow) and the game Ski Free, which is what that guy's supposed to look like: the Ski Free dude. |
Sayuri-hime | She was inspired by...a hotel. XD Yes, that's very inspirational. No, seriously, I was staying in a really cool hotel and it looked like a princess's palace, and there was a fountain exactly like the one Sayuri is sitting on in the picture. Reminded me of Italy a lot. And the cat? There were a lot of cats roaming around the hotel, and I had just watched El Hazard that weekend (Ura-chaaaaaan! Uraurauraura!). Hmm, I wonder if Sayuri's cat goes around saying, "Sayuri, Sayuri," like Ura-chan. |
Iris | This was good until I colored's Iris, the messenger of the gods during discord. Yup. Based on the description in Firefly, by Piers Anthony (excellent book, by the way, highly recommended if you're one of those people who isn't turned off by very, uh, detailed sex scenes). Her dress is too bright and there are tons of obvious eraser marks, but I really like her hands! Her skirt for some reason reminds me of some kind of's weird-looking. |
Mai-chan | Just a random girl...she's based on this one girl in psychology class that I used to have a big crush on...until I got to know her and realized she was a complete bubblehead. ^^;; But anyway...cute clothes, although I drew this with markers and they were almost dry so it was an uphill struggle. Also, I recently have been drawing eyes in a different style, which I did in this pic and I think it's cute. |
cute Acacia | It's Acacia again! And it's much better than the old pic of her, which I mostly attribute to my new eye-drawing style and the hair, which I changed around a bit so it looks more like Kisetsu Chieri's than the old Acacia. Computer colored, which came out cute, and although I messed up a bit on coloring her hair it still looks good. I couldn't think of anything to put on the sign, so she's just protesting...nothing. ^-^ |
Chifuri | I am so proud of this picture! That tree in the background is a palo verde, and they get these really neat yellow flowers on them around April/May. Which is around the time in Japan when the cherry blossoms bloom and they have the hanami (flower viewing) festivals, so I call this picture the "Southwestern Hanami". And who better to put in the pic than Chifuri the Ponyta? I wasn't going to put anything in the background, just the tree, but I'm SO glad I did, the background turned out great. How d'ya like the purple mountains? ^-^ |
Enriqueta Silvano | "Bush won!" "Oh. That's nice." "Acacia, I just told you George W. Bush is going to be the Republican presidential nominee." "Great, Enriqueta. Let me sleep now, okay?" XD A little excerpt from Acacia's story there...this is Acacia's sister Enriqueta, the Republican. This picture actually makes me like her a little...she has pretty hair, especially the two strands in front of her face. And the pink shirt works surprisingly well...I like how it's colored. |
Saoirse | Thought I'd have another go at drawing her, since the first pic of her wasn't so great. It's Saoirse in Muggle clothes and witch Saoirse, and I'm very happy with the way Muggle!Saoirse turned out. Her pose and facial expression are cute, and I'm so glad I figured out how to draw a face in profile (I used to have LOTS of trouble with that). And her robes look nice, and she has cute Muggle clothes. Yeah, she has really long hair also. The reason she's not practically sitting on it in the Muggle picture is because a good portion of it is up in that bun thingy (which turned out well too). I think this pic is really cute... |
Marie | I'm writing a story now about Acacia and all her wacky friends and...not-so-friends. Marie falls into the latter category. Remember how I used to talk about a Reform Party mascot to be Acacia's antithesis? That's where Marie comes in. "Pat Buchanan is god" would be her motto, except she's too religious to throw the Lord's name around like that. Still I like how this pic came out...the pose and the profile are good, and adding a background color really does a lot for it. The colors are too dull though, but hey, so's Marie. ^-^ So it fits. |
Persephone | Not the goddess Persephone...although she was named after the goddess, she prefers to be called Percy. She's another character from Acacia's story, and she's a Green like Acacia. Later on in the story she dates one of Kaysh's (female) friends too. She's just hanging out at school (they all go to UCSD, the lucky SOBs)...I was going to put the Geisel Library in the background but then I realized I didn't have a reference. She's d'ya like her Princess Leia buns? I'm also trying to get into the habit of signing and dating my pictures |
Andrea | Dedicated to this one girl I know, Andrea, who I really like (in a non-platonic sense) but she's moving next year and I won't get to see her again. The girl in the picture looks nothing like real-life Andrea, but I wasn't trying to make her look like Andrea anyway, I just named her that. She looks really sad and kind of like she's hiding...oh, and I was trying something different for her hair, and it turned out neat. And she has a see-through slip and fuzzy slippers, hee hee. |
Acacia sketch | Yuckness...I really don't like this sketch all that much. I think it has to do with the shape of her face and neck and shoulders. Her hair is fine, eyes fine, expression is okay too, just...well. I was thinking of using this for Koikawa someplace but I'm not sure. |
Quintessence | Drawn for the Bakaneko Monthly Original Character...yippee, anime monthlies are fun. This is Suhayla, the goddess of Quintessence (which means basically the sky and stars and heaven and junk...Aristotle (?) thought it was some kind of fifth element). I like her...her hair and garment-thingy are cool. Her left hand is a little...not. Her face is okay though. So go visit the monthly, okay? And vote for me if you like my pic and backstory...or for someone else if they deserve it more, whatever. |
Walk On | She doesn't have a name...I was just inspired to draw her from listening to U2's Walk On and watching the video. I'm not sure I like her because she reminds me a little too much of this girl from junior high who I really didn't like (having someone steal your best friend and then your crush can have that impression on you) but I still like the pic. The lyrics in the background are some of my favorite lines from Walk On...think of this as the condensed version of the song, the "Cliff's Notes". ^-^ You can't read them all, but if you know the song you'll recognize them. |
Thutmose |
Another one for the Bakaneko MOC, I wrote a little poem to go along with these characters. Actually the idea for the poem came first, then the first I wasn't going to even enter this month because I didn't have any ideas. The woman's name is Hatshepsut, and I like her hair and face but the shoulder pad things she has make her arms look deformed somehow, like they're coming from the wrong place. I dunno. Thutmose is the guy, and he's her brother...I looked all over Elfwood for references on how to draw and shade the body because I have virtually no experience drawing guys, especially when they're shirtless. But I think he turned out pretty well, don't you? He reminds me of Marron, just the hair and the face. |
random catgirl | She's based on a dream I had, where I was a cat Animagus and my markings were kinda like hers, white around the head fading into maroon on the tail. Actually, her face was supposed to be pure white but that looked a little weird (reminded me of the days when I used to never draw a skin tone *shudder*). The pose was also problematic...she's supposed to be leaning forward, can you tell? She's cute though, and I love her haircut, hee. ^-^ |
Ichigo-ko | In other words, the Strawberry girl. So named because she is obviously sitting on a giant strawberry...either that or she's a little tiny pixie sitting on a normal-sized strawberry...pick one. ^-^ The colors in the scan didn't turn out as bright as I wanted them to, but I think the coloring (on the girl) is good, and I'm glad that came out. The coloring on the strawberry IMHO is...otherwise. |
Percy-chan | Persephone from _Third_ again (remember Third, the story about Acacia? I'm thinkng of making a website for it, maybe posting a few chapters...whaddaya think?). I sketched her on my trip to Ireland, and she was drawn on a ferry...not a moving one, of course, that would have been hard. I like this better than the old picture of her--her hair and eyes look better, she has a cute expression and pose, and I like her shirt. |
Damaris | Another vacation picture. I was (upon Sarah-chan's insistence) reading Kendermore, a book in the Dragonlance series. This is Damaris Metwinger, a kender (kender are...well, one of my friends summed it up pretty accurately: "ten-year-old kleptomaniacs." The "permanent children" of Krynn, the Dragonlance world. Oh yeah, and they're immune to fear. Aoife reminds me of one). I thought she sounded cute...I'm not sure what they meant by "topknot" for her hair, but it also said it was in six braids so I interpreted it more like that. And I like her clothes - those pants are supercute. ^-^ |
I've still got it... | Yeah. That's my subject. I drew Damaris in the airport in London on the way home from vacation, and hadn't seriously drawn in a week and a half since then, so I drew her, "to prove I can still draw". Can I? You be the judge. ^-^ I attempted to draw Lara Croft, but she came out really badly so I ditched her and did...this. This is another girl from nowhere - she has no name, no personality, no history, she's not part of any story...although she looks like she'd fit in well in Third. Pretty much everything she's wearing is mine; I wasn't sure what style of clothing to give her so I put her in what I was wearing that day. |
Nanashi | No seriously, that really is her name (for the uninitiated, Nanashi means "no-name"). What can I say, her parents were weird. She's a character out of my newest writing project, a story called Under the Bridge. Nanashi-chan is half-Japanese and half-Irish, and she lives in Dublin (notice how a lot of my stories take place in Ireland?). Her heritage would explain the hair...IRL she'd basically look Japanese, except with reddish-brown my hair color, except redder. I just drew it more puplish-red here...I like her hair on the right side better than the left side too, it looks better somehow. |
Nanashi-sensei | "Watashi wa nihongo o joozu ni hanaseru no yo!" Nanashi teaches us Japanese. ^-^ See, this is the color her hair's really supposed to imagine that color (naturally, not bottle) on a Japanese-looking face and you've got Nanashi. She's all cute and superdeformed...I like her hands, and I'm really pleased with how the coloring on her skirt came out too. The writing on the board, by the way, says "nihongo" (meaning Japanese language) 'case you were wondering. Cute picture. |
Percy | fun to draw. Hmm...she looks like she needs a background to this pic, though. Maybe I'll think of one later and put it in. I'm seriously thinking of doing a KiSS doll of her, or maybe of her and Trinity, or Acacia and Trinity...some combination of those. I added more detail on her hair this time, too, which looks cute, and so does her expression. And her hands aren't half bad either. I guess I pulled off the pose okay. |
self-portrait | Haven't done one of those in a while, have I? Actually, I haven't drawn since September (did this in December)...I draw all morning in art class with my evil teacher breathing down my neck and then I come home and I don't feel like drawing anymore. It sucked, but it's over now. *whew* This is me wearing a Hogwarts uniform in Ravenclaw colors, since I decided finally that that's the house I'd be in. Actually, I think I'll do a series of these pictures, one for each house, since they're cute uniforms and I've recently become somewhat obsessed with the house color combinations...they all look so GOOD together! |
Hufflepuff | The second in my series. This is probably my least favorite house color combination...I'd imagine they'd all start to look like bees after a while. ^-^ But she's cute, I like her pigtails. She looks very cute and innocent...appropriate, isn't it? And you can see the tie better in this one...ties are cool. |
Acacia and Trinity | Portfolio fodder. ^-^ I'm supposed to submit "one drawing to demonstrate my technical skills"...well, this is more like four images, to kind of explain my drawing process. In case you're curious here's the pencil version and the ink version (the pencil one looks really bad and you can see all my eraser marks and junk). The link to the left is the CG version, which I thought came out really well except for the grainyness. They've got cute clothes on, and I like their expressions. And Trinity, surprisingly, did NOT come out looking like a girl, like most of my guys do! Woohoo! |
Acacia and Trinity | More portfolio stuff...this is the pencil-colored version of Acacia and Trinity. Compare it to the one above...I think the CG version came out better. Colors are nicer, and so on...and you can tell that I cleaned up some of the lines from the scan on the computer for the CG version, yeah? ^-^ I like Trinity's hair in this one, though. |
Calliope McManus | Woohoo, I colored an ethnic skin tone in pencil! *dances around because she's never done that before* This is, yes, another Third character: Calliope, Acacia's best friend. I was going to cut off the picture just above her feet, because I don't like to draw feet if I don't have to, but it was easy this time. Although I sort of wish I had...Calliope's supposed to be taller than Acacia (Acacia's shoooooort) but she looks too...shrimpy in this one. And not dancerly enough; she's supposed to be this really great ballet dancer. Eh, oh well. Maybe I'll draw a dance-type picture of her, or of Percy (who dances also). |
Darius Fuyutsuki | It's a boy! Aaaaaaugh! And it actually LOOKS like a boy, too! I think I'm getting better at this...except somehow he turned out looking like Oliver, scarily enough. O_o Darius is supposed to be Asian...oh, and he's another Third character, by the way. Acacia's Republican sister's boyfriend. Who is a Democrat. Eheheh. Although wouldn't he look good with Enriqueta? I have to draw them together one of these days... |
The Four | I call them The Four, anyway...they're the main female characters from my novels, and basically they're my favorite characters of the ones I've created (though I love them all). Left to right, that's Acacia (Third, duh), Rory (Snow on Spud Rock), Nanashi (Under the Bridge), and Telyn (the newest one, Moths Across the Moon, although Telyn isn't really the main character anymore...since the time that I drew this I've changed it, so it should really be Sorrel there but oh well). I like this pic, mostly for the sense of togetherness in it, and although there are a few noticable disproportionate bits, some things turned out really well (like Nanashi's right hand...actually, Nanashi herself came out looking much more like I imagine her now than her old pictures). And Acacia's shirt...that says "recycle" in Japanese, in case you're curious (typical Acacia, huh?). |
self-portrait in costume | Yes, it's me again...this time I'm in my two different costumes I wore in Romeo and Juliet (I played the random Veronan person who walked by in the background a lot. There were a lot of those). The left is my regular townsperson costume, and the one on the right is wearing what I wore during the Capulet party scenes. Hmm...the girls in the picture are taller than my usual people I draw, I think, and they have _slightly_ more realistic bodies. Just slightly. Yeah, and I took some liberties with the costumes too...among other things, the pink thing in my townsperson costume wasn't originally pink, it was white too, but I thought that'd look boring. |