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FAQ, as you all probably
know, stands for Frequently Asked Questions. In my case (because
I don't get asked questions about my sites very much) it's more like...questions
I _think_ people might ask. So before you email me, read this.
You will learn much.
Can I use your art on my site? I'm proooooobably going to have to say no...unless you're going to use it in a fanart gallery and you credit me and give a link back to Basket Case. If it's for anything else, no. Oh, unless, of course, I drew the picture for your fanart, duh. ^-^ Do you take requests? No. The pictures I've drawn for other people are instances where I've really liked their fanfic and it sort of..."inspired" me to draw something for it. Who exactly are you? Willow McCall, just your average everyday 15-year-old anime freak. *bows* Pleased to make your acquaintance. If perchance you want to know more than that, I do have a personal page. Why do you have porno stuff on this page? Eew. *looks around* Porno stuff? What porno stuff? Oh, you mean the pictures with nudity. Big deal. It's a human body without any clothes. Get used to it. It's not "porno", it's art. It's not like I show any realistic "details", or they're in a suggestive pose, or anything like that. By the way, if you have a problem with tasteful nudity, why do you watch anime anyway? There's lots of that "gross stuff" in anime. How do you make these pictures (drawing, computer editing, etc.)? I draw with a regular old 2B pencil, ink with a regular old pen, and color with regular old colored pencils or markers. Nothin' special or anything. On the computer, I color with Paintshop Pro 5, and sometimes I resize or crop or mess around with the image in PSP too. Any advice for a beginning artist? I'm a beginning artist myself, relatively, so I wouldn't know. *shrug* I'd say just practice a lot (I've been drawing anime for almost three years), maybe start by copying (not tracing) existing images and practice until you can think up your own poses and you have an idea of how things are supposed to look. With coloring, start out really light with colored pencil and leave some white highlights, then shade in darker as you go along. And ALWAYS ink your lines in when you're satisfied with them, and ONLY when you're completely satisfied, then erase the pencil underneath (not too soon, though, or the ink'll smear). Hmm...that's all I can think of right now. Good luck! Er...I can't think of any more questions to ask. That's good, I can't think of any more questions to answer either. ^-^ But if you do think of something that I haven't already answered, go ahead and email me. |