Sora is like an older version of Aoife, but with a different specialty and a different goal.  She also can be hyper when exposed to sugar, but not as much as Aoife because she's older and has learned to control herself.  She's definitely willing to take risks, in fact, she loves doing this (i.e., convincing the gang to stow away on the St. Margaret (St. Anne's sister ship).  She and her sister Raven have always been interested in flying Pokemon, partially because they grew up in Azure City, the flying-type capital of the Pokemon world.  They discovered Treagle, a grass/flying type Pokemon, by accident shortly after they got their Pokemon licenses.  She's close to her sister, but they do a lot of things independently too.  That's why she goes with Aoife, so that she can spend some time away from Raven and not be so dependant upon her.  She loves her sister, so it's not like "Yay, I get to be away from my irritating sister," she misses her a lot when she leaves, like Aidan misses his brothers and family too.  Speaking of Aidan, he's probably the one thing she has a bit of trouble dealing with.  When she meets him she gets a HUGE crush on him, but then it turns out he likes her cousin Ferio.  Speaking of Ferio also, she lived with Sora until she went on her Pokemon journey and then she settled in Saffron City. 

Sky blue pigtails in kind of Duplica-ish style, except...flippier.  Yeah, that's it.  And blue eyes, and she's usually wearing a t-shirt with a flying Pokemon, usually one of the legendary birds, with jeans and her Pokeballs on her belt. 

Pidgeotto: evolved from her starting Pokemon, a Pidgey, which is what most trainers who start out in Azure City get (except for Ferio, she got a Machop) 
Ponyta: she has this until they get to Cinnabar Island, where Aoife gets an Aerodactyl and trades it to Sora for this. 
Beedril: it's sort of flying, although it's mainly bug it flies too so Sora can use this to confuse people. 
Treagle: appears to be her favorite, which would be obvious because she discovered it, and it's good in battles because it's two types and since trainers would normally use electric Pokemon at her gym this one can beat their electric ones 

Relationships with the others 
Aoife: they're so alike, they get along great and have a lot of fun together 
Petra: her sister was one of the few girls who didn't either hit Petra or run away screaming when she flirted with them, and Sora likes her too, most of the time. 
Fawn: really hates her, and says that she wouldn't be able to stand it if she had a rival like that when she was Aoife's age 
Team Rocket: they annoy her sometimes, but she recognizes that they're actually good people but they were just born into a criminal life. 
Aidan: I already mentioned this, but she has a really REALLY BIG crush on him.  
Ferio: Gets along great with her, but then Sora gets along with everybody.  Sora is the only person Ferio really likes, because they grew up together, and Sora doesn't hold the fact that Aidan likes Ferio and not her against Ferio. 
Ruari: They have a lot in common, except that Sora tends more to go out and actually DO things whereas Ruari puts things off until the eleventh hour.  Sora gets along well with her anyway.
Ermynne: Is annoyed by her, like with Fawn.  They both have blue hair, though...before Myn came Sora was the only bluenette.  Not that that has anything to do with anything...

Real name: Sora Starling 
Japanese name: Hichou Kotori 
Meaning: Sora means sky in Japanese, and a starling is a type of bird.  Hichou means flying bird, and Kotori means little bird; a bit redundant but I like both names. 
Nicknames: none 
Age: 14 
Zodiac Sign: 
Favorite color: blue 
Hobbies: hang gliding, training Pokemon, swimming 
Favorite Subject: art, writing 
Likes: flying Pokemon, drawing, and um...Aidan. 
Dislikes: people who are cowardly (but she is able to overlook this flaw in Aidan) 
Favorite Food: fish (and she doesn't eat chicken or turkey) 
Favorite Gemstone: sapphire, turquoise 
Family: has a twin sister named Raven, and has parents but they're never mentioned.  Ferio is also her cousin. 
From: Azure City 
Dream: to meet the legendary birds and discover new species of Pokemon 
dis is a new and IMHO better Sora picture