Ferio is not the sort of
person you would want to meet in a dark alley. She has a chip on
her shoulder the size of a Golem, basically. She dislikes nearly
everyone she meets, and she refuses to open up to anyone until she's gotten
to know them for a long time. This combined with the fact that she's
a black belt in karate and she likes nothing better than a fight (especially
if she wins, which she always does) makes her a very big b-with-an-itch.
The only people she could really consider as her friends are Sora's family
and the trainers at the Saffron Fighting Dojo. She's an orphan, originally
from Vermilion but lived in Azure City with Sora, Raven, and their family
until she went on her Pokemon journey. She worked in a lab in the
Orange Islands for a while, where she picked up a vast amount of Pokemon
knowledge, making her the most knowledgeable of the group when it comes
to Poke-related stuff. She settled into the Saffron Dojo a year or
so after she left Azure City with her first Pokemon, Machop, and decided
she wanted to continue karate (at this time having a purple belt) and train
fighting Pokemon. She lived at the dojo, considering them her family,
until Aoife-tachi came. She really only went with them for Sora's
sake, wanting to be with her best friend again and catch up on what happened
since she left.
Relationships with the
Real name: Ferio Crawford
Japanese name: Sukedachi Seirei Meaning: Ferio means fierce, and I picked Crawford because the family motto is "Ferio Ferias," meaning "I am fierce among the fierce." Sukedachi (her family name) means "assistance in a fight", and Seirei means spirit or ghost Nicknames: Aoife refers to her as "Hitmongirl", not to her face of course Birthday: August 6 Age: 16 Zodiac Sign: Leo Favorite color: green, brown, black Hobbies: all forms of martial arts, running, fencing Favorite Subject: PE, history Likes: winning, practicing karate, any physical activity, a fight Dislikes: Aidan, basically everyone except for the trainers at her dojo and Sora, Clefairy and Jigglypuff (she thinks they're stupid) Favorite Food: pasta, radishes Favorite Gemstone: emerald, lapis Family: she's an orphan, but she lived with Sora (her cousin) until she was 10 when she started training and collecting badges. Considers the other trainers at the Saffron Dojo as her family. From: Vermilion City originally, lived in Azure City for most of her life, currently residing in Saffron. Dream: to have one of her Pokemon win the P-1 Championships, to continue running the dojo, to be the best at karate in the city |