Fawn was raised under all the right conditions to make her into the most spoiled brat you'll ever meet.  Her parents are both full of themselves, and when she was born they figured that since she came from them that she must be as perfect as they are.  They told her so all the time she was growing up, that she was perfect and better than everyone else.  Most parents tell their kids things like this, but apparently they did it in excess because Fawn actually believed it and didn't say anything like "You're my parents, you have to say that."  Although she was jealous of Aoife when they were growing up, even though they were best friends, she always felt that Aoife didn't ever do anything special yet she got recognition for it all the time.  That she got too much credit, basically, and Fawn thought people should be praising her and not Aoife.  Her attitude versus Aoife's tomboyish attitude got her a lot of male admirers, and out of these she picked Steve, Bert, and Charlie to accompany her on her Pokemon journey.  The poor guys worship the ground she walks on, but she takes them for granted.  So to summarize, she doesn't hate Aoife, she's just really jealous of her and needs to feel superior. 

Brown eyes and really long, wavy red hair, which she considers another thing that makes her better than Aoife because Aoife's hair is short and straight.  She wears a long-sleeved white blouse and a short blue skirt (but not too short, as in at least it goes down farther than her hair). 

Her starter is an Eevee, and Steve, Bert, and Charlie have a Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Charmander respectively (to go with the first letter of their name and their hair color).  Other than that it's a rare occasion that we see one of her Pokemon, but she says she has a bunch of Pokemon that she probably doesn't actually have. 

Relationships with the others 
Aoife: I already covered this, but I'll briefly say again: she likes her and would be better friends with her if she weren't so jealous. 
Petra: doesn't like her that much, but then you'd figure someone like Fawn would be homophobic, wouldn't you? 
Sora: thinks she must be really bad with Pokemon because she beat Raven really easily when she came through Azure City, and she thinks flying-type are pathetic because they don't have advantage over many other types. 
Aidan: he was one of the few gym leaders that she lost to on her first go but beat on her second...well, not Aidan, but one of his brothers.  She thinks Aidan himself is a wimp, but that he would be good in her little entourage. 
Ruari: She was the other gym leader that Fawn couldn't beat right away, it took her a second try.  Fawn's a little bitter against her for this, and she thinks she's a bit crazy. 
Ferio: HATES her too, like Aoife does (one thing they have in common).  She thinks that Ferio uses violence too often to resolve things, which she does. 
Team Rocket: she thinks they're lame, and that if they're trying to appear evil and threatening they could at least have good Pokemon. 
Ermynne: Never meets her.  Probably wouldn't like her, though, because not only is Myn a lesbian but she'd remind Fawn of Aoife too much.

Real name: Fawn Oak 
Japanese name: Ookido Sabiyo
Meaning: Oak, well, from Gary's last name, and her first name she got from her mother because a giselle is a type of animal and so is a fawn.  Ookido, again, from Shigeru's last name, and Sabiyo is a combination of "sabishii" (lonely) and Seiyo (Giselle's Japanese name)
Nicknames: Ruari calls her a "little Nazi"...she's still mad at Fawn for a few homophobic comments towards her and Petra 
Birthday: May 13 
Age: 11 
Zodiac Sign: Gemini 
Favorite color: pink, white, any pastels really, and a lot of autumn-ish colors because she wants to wear colors that will look good with her hair and eye colors (very fashion-conscious) 
Hobbies: thinking up new ways to insult Aoife, improving her Pokemon so she can be the best, studying about Pokemon, fashion magazines. 
Favorite Subject: English, art 
Likes: feeling superior, her minions, Pokemon that are cute and powerful, Aoife sometimes 
Dislikes: weak Pokemon, being embarrassed, losing, Aoife sometimes 
Favorite Food: salad, bagels 
Favorite Gemstone: amber 
Family: Gary Oak is her father and Giselle (from the Pokemon Tech episode) is her mother, so you can see where she gets her attitude from... 
From: Pallet Town 
Dream: to become a Pokemon master in the Indigo League, the Orange League, every league that exists basically, to be respected and have people look up to her, to appear on the cover of a magazine, anything as long as she beats Aoife. 
she looks kinda like a model in this picture...a very young one, though