This is probably the most important part of the Pokemon Conclave site: the fanfic itself.  Aoife's Indigo League journey is FINISHED now, people.  She's now in the Orange Islands, and there she will remain for a while.  So that's why I've split this up into the different sections: for the Indigo League/Kanto, for the Orange League, and spinoff stories.  No Johto League page yet, simply because I haven't STARTED on Johto yet.  Y'know, I kinda have to finish one series before I move on to another... 
Kanto (the Indigo League) 
Orange League 
Side stories 
Some useless but entertaining stats: 
Number of episodes: 44
Average pages per episode: 6
Pages total: 268
Shortest episode: 4 pages (eps. 6, 11, and 24) 
Longest Episode: 11 pages (Orange League eps. 5 and 6)